Photo Blog

Darla Teagarden's Photo Blog

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Zelda and Creed

I had a shoot with my friend Gail Chovan's twins... Zelda and Creed.

It was on location and it was so hot my lens kept fogging up. Needless to say the kids wanted ice cream STAT. It was at a goose hutch that is shaped like a church off the texas 
highway.. It's this creepy little church thing... i thought , well that would be good! It lends itself to a southern gothic-ness.

I should state for the record, even though miss zelda cannot see with her eyes, she sees perfectly well in all other capacities..instead of opening her eyes, she likes to tilt her beautiful face upward, or keep it close to her chest.
Gail, their mother sweetly spoke to them in french to keep things moving right along....

I'm honored that my portrait of  Zelda was published in the beautiful SHOTS MAGAZINE..fine photography journal. Look for it at your news stand ..or order online via SHOTS issue 109.


See the shoot on page 11  in "Photos"  HERE

A Thousand Gestures In One Frame :

Hand-made Optical Toy


Like most, I'm distressed about the  BP oil leak, so I decided to pay homage to Mother Nature by creating my own version of Japanese Director Hayao Miyazaki's  forest spirit character, SHISHI-GAMI.  This character , in short, is a combination of goat and deer, life and death.

In the gallery to your right are some images of each component created essentially for one frame. I love the idea of ephemera and it's fragile often one use nature. The optical toy ,Thaumatrope ( I made with paper and ink),  seemed a perfect way for this character to speak in my image. ''Thaumatrope Prophecy'' shows the toy at work
( eye in a cage) communicating Shishi's notion that human beings will continue to look through spaces yet remain imprisoned, unable to be free to except their role as savior. ...Her violin ( another way to speak) tells of hope *Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - *I will either find a way or make one*.

I created a white Angora wig and used real deer horns, lacing them with crystals.  I often use a dummy head to paint on my make up concepts before my shoots so I may gain a better idea of the whole picture. Glittered paper hooves suggest whats underneath the gown created by designer Christine Hall.

.....Christine is a wonderful artist who has created a line of  high quality bustle gowns as well as movie inspired gowns. You can find them here: I chose the lovely white mourning gown and love it's delicate pleats and Mandarin-like collar.

Mushrooms are among literature's mysterious and romanticized objects. They promise hallucination, death,
a marker for other worldly lands, or simple sustenance.; fast growing, yet delicate. I sculpted dozens of faux fungi out of chalky clay and cut a lattice pattern to adorn their tops. They are so cute I'm still trying to decide what their next life will  be.I can't just toss them!

Mushroom Making

Make-up by Darla

Shishi model was Wednesday Mourning. A soulful person with silent  movie star eyes. I enjoyed working with her very much on two shoots (Hellequin Lapine *hell rabbit* and this) and appreciate her willingness under duress ( being blind folded above sharp brambles and strapped with dangerously heavy horns) and alabaster doll-like beauty.

Cutting Lattice Pattern For Mushroom Tops

Gown: Christine Hall

See all photos here

She goes like this...

Welcome to my Photo Blog. It is on this piece of interweb property I will share my day of shooting with you.

Thanks For Reading,
Darla Teagarden